How Do I Ensure I am Getting the Right Commission When a Learner Purchased My Workshop?
To ensure your commission is correct, earning 93% of the sales on all learners you are marketing to and bring to Klatch you'll want to use the Share button.
- Each workshop has a unique link designed for the facilitator. The facilitator will get a commission from anyone who purchases the workshop via this link.
- This link can be copied from the "Share" button in the "My Workshops" page (see image)
- While logged into your facilitator account, click on My Workshop, the URL will have your tag in it.
- If you click on the workshop to share the link, the tag will still be in the link.
You can also copy the link to your Clipboard by:
- Log in as a Facilitator
- Select My Workshops
- Select Facilitate on the right hand side
- Hover over the far right triangle icon on the Workshop you’d like to share
- Click the triangle icon