How Do I Ensure I am Getting the Right Commission When a Learner Purchased My Workshop?

To ensure your commission is correct, earning 93% of the sales on all learners you are marketing to and bring to Klatch you'll want to use the Share button.

  1. Each workshop has a unique link designed for the facilitator. The facilitator will get a commission from anyone who purchases the workshop via this link.
  2. This link can be copied from the "Share" button in the "My Workshops" page (see image)
  3. While logged into your facilitator account, click on My Workshop, the URL will have your tag in it.
  4. If you click on the workshop to share the link, the tag will still be in the link.

You can also copy the link to your Clipboard by:

  1. Log in as a Facilitator
  2. Select My Workshops
  3. Select Facilitate on the right hand side
  4. Hover over the far right triangle icon on the Workshop you’d like to share
  5. Click the triangle icon

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