Once a Workshop Is Approved, Am I Still Able To Edit It?

All elements of your workshop, including your title, are editable from your Facilitator Dashboard except for your workshop page’s URL. The URL cannot be changed. 
By clicking your workshop’s title within your Facilitator Dashboard, you are able to change all of the assets or copies that you originally submitted.
You are able to edit all elements of your workshop, even after Klatch has approved it (E.g. title, description, materials, etc.) via the Facilitator Dashboard. The only item that is unable to be changed is your workshop’s URL.
  1. Log into your facilitator account
  2. Using the drop-down in the upper right-hand corner, click My Workshops
  3. Select Facilitate on the right-hand side 
  4.  Click Edit Details
  5. After making your changes, select Save Product in the bottom right

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